Save it on your mobile phones now; even place it on speed dial.  You never know when you might need it. The BokSmart Spineline and ROAD transport service, is only available to those rugby players who have sustained a serious concussion, head, neck or spine injury during either a rugby match or rugby practice.  

The BokSmart Spineline is only there to assist in the ROAD transport of such a player, when there is insufficient capacity or ability to provide this service at the match or practice. Only the ROAD transport costs will be covered for those non-Medical Aid players who meet these criteria, and who have accessed this 0800 678 678 number directly.

Players with Medical aid will be billed according to standard tariffs. If the caller contacts ER24 directly, or any other emergency service provider, and whether they have medical aid or not, this free ROAD transportation service will NOT apply, and the player will be invoiced accordingly.   

The Chris Burger Petro Jackson Players’ Fund, South African Rugby Union, BokSmart and ER24 are NOT under any circumstances responsible for any hospital, doctor or specialist costs incurred as a result of any injury that might occur during either a rugby match or rugby practice, even while accessing the BokSmart Spineline service. 

All medical bills, regardless of whether players have medical aid or not, or whether they have accessed the BokSmart Spineline or not, are for the players’ and/or their family’s own accounts.